People still go on about the thing beginning with C that we can’t talk about on social media (not cancer, the other one beginning with C!) as if it’s something completely unprecedented.
At risk of belabouring the point, it’s really not.
Tuberculosis, just one example of many.
As a society, we lived with it as an ever-present menace to the health of the population.
Similar to the way long-c is talked about now, but much worse.
I’m reading a biography of the great Richard Feynman right now. His first wife contracted a very brutal form of tuberculosis when she was in her early-20s.
Up until her tragic death, they had to conduct their relationship without kissing on the lips!
For all of society’s near-term faults, we’re very, very lucky to be born and alive in this tiny point in time.
Anyone who says otherwise has not read much history and has merely a basic understanding of how the world really functions.