(This is an email as part of the email sequence for my eBook Video Business Fast Forward).
It’s 2:30 a.m., and the corner of your left eye is starting to twitch from the harsh glare of your computer screen.
You did it again. You’re guilty.
You spent the past 4 hours like a creep-o, snooping around your competitor’s website, wondering how the hell your competitor (curse his soul) is able to get the kind of clients he does.
And it’s a painful thing to ponder, indeed.
Because you keep plugging away and working your butt off. But your results aren’t where you want them to be.
Maybe you get a client here and there. But it’s not consistent. And the ones you do get, don’t come back for repeat business.
I’ve been there. Many times.
It is because of this very same fear, and many of these similar long and sleepless nights that I set out to actually learn and study the science of marketing & sales.
And how it relates to video production companies.
Yesterday, I told you about my book package that includes templates and forms and everything you need to start & grow your video company.
Today, I want to teach you a quick technique that will quickly separate you from the other video companies in your local area.
Let’s talk about your marketing message.
Essentially, your main objective for your marketing message, when describing what you do to a potential client is to get them to say:
“Wow, you’re exactly what I have been looking for! Can I hear more about your services and what you do?”
That seems obvious, right?
What isn’t so obvious is why so many people don’t work on this and craft amazing marketing messages to win them clients.
Answer the following questions:
1. Describe your Ideal Client. Who exactly do you want to work with? This is your starting point.
2. Describe their struggles, their problems, their obstacles and what they’d do anything (and pay anything!) to get rid of, improve or get.
3. What’s holding them back from moving forward on these obstacles or problems? What’s not working for them currently?
4. What results can they expect from working with you? What problems will be solved?
5. Who are your competitors in helping your target client with their struggles?
6. What makes your services unique? What do you offer that they don’t? How do your services create better results?
7. How specifically will you help them with their struggles? What specific steps will you take them through to help them solve their problem?
8. List several benefits your clients will receive from working with you? How will their business or life be improved?
So, what did we just do there? Let’s look at some action steps:
1. Get some 3×5 blank cards and lay them out in front of you on a table. You know you’re doing this right when you don’t have much room left on the table you’re looking at!
2. Brainstorm everything you know about your video business and what you want it to be.
Write down every benefit, promise and fact about your business.
Be fearless and don’t worry about editing or self-censoring at this time. Just get down everything you want your video business to be!
3. Keep in mind the questions I gave you above. Make sure you’ve answered those.
4. Prioritize the cards into importance for your video business and what you want to provide to your target market. Throw out the ones you don’t need at this point, or what doesn’t make sense right now.
5. You will have a message of around 3 sentences that describes what your video business is all about.
This is what I call your Compelling Marketing Message. And I teach you exactly how to create it (and what to do with it!) in Video Business Fast Forward.
If you got my email yesterday, you know that I told you all about my Video Business Fast Forward package.
Imagine – which of these powerful elements could you use to grow your video company?
– How To Price Your Video Production Offerings To Ensure You Maximize Your Chances Of Winning Every Client
– The 6 Pieces Of Gear That Will Have Your Video Business Growing In No Time At All
– 4 Steps To Creating A Rock Solid Portfolio To Set Yourself And Your Business Apart
– The 4 Step Process For Streamlining Your Video
– Business Success And Getting Ahead Of The Competition, So That You Can Become The Most Sought After Video Production Expert In Your Area (And Beyond)
And a whole lot more!
It’s all laid out in detail right here.
Plus, because we’re so serious about helping you grow your video business that were going to make available these Free Bonuses if you take action right now!
* BONUS 1: The Ultimate Video Business Template Set!
This includes a Sample Contract Template, Video Project Proposal Template, Terms of Service Template, Client Questions Templates & Cold Email Templates
* BONUS 2: The Video Business Fast Forward Workbook!
In the Workbook, I’ve created a plan of attack for you to follow to achieve your video business dreams. A roadmap.
* BONUS 3: My Resource Guide of Apps/Sites/Tools That I Use In My Video Business!
More from me tomorrow.
Keep Shooting
Matt “Whew That’s a Lot of Bonuses” Jacobs
Like I said in the last email, this offer won’t be available forever. Price will go up on this package in the future.
It makes so much sense to jump in and grab a copy right now.