Ideas for the VBB FAQ:

“Those who can’t do teach, right?”

No. That’s a well worn falsity. Throughout history, some of the best practitioners were the greatest teachers. After all, who teaches astronauts how to go to space!?

“Aren’t you just creating competition for yourself?”

No. I have customers all over the world. The video production industry is thriving – things have never been better. 

I live with an abundance mindset. After all, “a rising tide lifts all boats.”

“Can I see your video company’s website?”

Sorry, no. I’ve learnt my lesson with this. If you know how Google works, you know this is a really bad idea.

Whilst I know it won’t be you, there are jealous people out there who will use negative SEO to screw up my site rankings and affect my income.

Like I say: I learnt my lesson with this. Giving myself an ego boost is less important than making sure I continue to make a good income from my video companies.