So you want to get more clients? And you want to do it now?
Let me tell you how I used to get video clients on Facebook.
This is back years ago when Facebook was a bit different. But, make no mistake about it: you can still do this on Facebook!
It takes work and can be ‘gruntwork’ in nature. Lot of manual clicking! But if you need clients, this works.
So here’s what I used to do:
STEP 1: Decide that your Facebook is just for business
It becomes a business tool and you need to 100% see it that way.
That means… no: family posting, kid pics, animal photos, etc. And especially no political grandstanding. No quarrelling, no disagreements and telling people they’re wrong.
No ego. Just work. This is a business account now.
STEP 2: Start adding people that are your Ideal Client
Start adding your Ideal Clients. i.e, the people that you’d most like to work with.
So I started adding people in my local area that I thought were in my ‘price point.’ Back then, I really wanted to work with lots of gym owners. So I added tonnes of gym and health club people. Again, this is years ago on FB.
You can find people using mutual friends, Recommended Friends and jumping into relevant, targeted (and potentially localized) FB groups.
Once you have done local people, you can expand into neighbouring regions and go national if you want.
Also, optional: remove all family & friends from your FB to make room for business contacts only. You can, after all, only have 5000 friends.
Sorry about the ALL CAPS. But this is important: only post business content on your timeline.
Again, not political stuff. No “I’m going to the beach today…” kinda posts.
Yes, you can bring some personality and make sure you create an Attractive Character in your posts, but let’s keep it business only.
What do I mean by ‘business only’?
- Post behind the scenes photos of you guys on set.
- Post finished videos with a blurb about what the project was about.
- Post testimonials / reviews that happy clients have sent you!
- Post engagement questions. Use the colourful FB status backgrounds (this grabs attention by creating dissonance as people are scrolling down their timelines).
- The engagement questions should be niche specific & targeted. Example for the gym owner one: “What’s best keto vs. primal?”
There are, of course, many more types of business posts. But that last one is important.
And there’s lots of nuance to this. There are obvious components that you have to have in place.
- A professional profile pic helps.
- A well designed cover photo that lets people know what you do.
- A strong bio that adds insight and just a hint of humor.
STEP 4: To Push or To Pull?
This is your crossroads now.
Two options:
- Wait for the leads to come to you. Pull marketing. And they will, if you’ve done this right and you scale up to 5000 FB friends that are your uber-targeted Ideal Clients.
- Directly approach people on your friends list. You’re a friendly face and it’s much easier to do this on something like FB than cold emails or phonecalls!
Look, I’m not going to bullshit you: this takes work. But it WORKS!
You have to put in the hard work and it can be a grind. But if you’re looking for clients, this is a tried and true method that works.
At some point I’ll share templates and a little more on the tactical side of this. This above is the raw strategy.
Hope it helps, guys!
I wrote this out in 10 mins this morning, as I’ve been seeing so many “I need clients now!!” posts. This is just one method, but it 100% works if you put the effort in!