This has been a great read. Ex-hedge fund guy on philosophy of life, money and markets. Interesting perspective as he’s a devout Muslim and keen observer of geopolitics. 23rd book of the year! 🔥
I’ve always been fascinated with why people play the lottery. Everyone knows it’s a bad bet, but the ‘sticker price’ / headline figure keeps people playing. Stick with this as it’s interesting and I had...
When to pay off mortgage? Is it always a bad idea? I’ve always been a “never lump sum pay-off your mortgage” person (like I imagine most people who read financial literature are). But with interest...
I think people are really sleeping on just how fast disinflation and disinflationary pressures are going to hit Britain from about end of August/into Autumn and onwards. I know it’s not everyone’s favourite theory, but...
Don’t always post this kind of thing, and definitely Not Invest Advice. But… Really liking the look of Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust from here: – Down -58.5% since it’s all time high in Nov 2021....
Monday Monday Wisdom, courtesy of my boy Charlie Munger (99 years old and going strong). I love me some Munger wisdom! He talks a lot about incentives. I now believe nearly everything in life can...
Someone just phoned into Vine on Radio 2 and said, “America needs to ignore Trump and focus on fall of the USD and rise of the Yen” Jeez, it’s not 1988!! (pretty sure they meant...
This is really interesting! Germany has one of the lowest home ownerships among OECD economies.
Will be interesting if this thesis plays out
I know I post quite a bit here about demographics, but I find it really interesting. People are getting older (living longer) Sadly, people are having less children I think I’ll just reply to every...