Case Studies Will Help You Get Clients
Are you using Case Studies on your video company’s website?
Document every project no matter the size. A great Case Study isn’t overly long.
A great Case Study shows how you **solved a specific problem**.
1. Identify the problem. Example: Client wasn’t selling enough of ‘widget x.’
2. Describe your thought process coming up with a solution. This can differ for each Case Study or be something generic. A discussion abut how you formed the brief works well here.
3. Outline 1-3 specific challenges that the video project presented.
4. Describe your solution.
Make sure you collect your Case Studies over time:
* Post to your website
* Post to Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc. Whereever your Ideal Clients are.
* Show instead of tell, as much as possible.
* Don’t be afriad to have multiple Case Studies for projects with a single client.
* Include reviews/testimonials in the Case Studies (if you have them).
* Show the difference you made!
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