We often talk about developing a strong ‘frame’ – that is, the way you see the world and how it relates to you.
With a strong frame, you can tackle almost anything the world throws at you.
With a weak frame, even easy stuff can weigh down on you.
A strong frame is powerful and helps you to move through the world in a more dynamic way.
Whilst a weak frame leaves you lacking and feeling like you’re always struggling against something.
Ever feel like that? Read on.
A Book About Tennis & How You Can Develop A Rock Solid Frame
A lot of people in sports circles are obsessed with the concept of the Inner Game. Inner Game, based on a concept laid out in W. Timothy Gallwey’s book The Inner Game of Tennis (1974)
This book focuses on the idea that there is an inner struggle taking place in our minds that is indirectly proportional to the outer one that everyone is witness to.
There is.
We’ve covered many ‘inner game’ type concepts on this blog before, but I didn’t want to put those labels on something that should be a lot simpler than it is often presented as.
A Fearless Attitude
We need to project a strong frame and a fearless attitude.
To understand these concepts, we need to channel the anti-Feminist herself, Ayn Rand.
Philosopher, Rand, postulated in her infamous works like Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, a theory which came to be known as Objectivism.
According to everyone’s best friend Wikipedia, Rand’s Objectivism “advocated reason as the only means of acquiring knowledge and rejected all forms of faith and religion. She supported rational egoism and rejected ethical altruism.”
Freud would be rolling in his grave.
It’s also interesting to note that Ayn Rand’s philosophies are often mentioned next to Eckhart Tolle’s musings, but the two are at loggerheads in major ways – Rand supporting the ego and Tolle proclaimed that we should destroy it.
Getting Away From The Philosophy Lecture
So, after raising this section into the territory of philosophical lecture, how does this relate to what we’re trying to do?
As filmmakers and business-people, we need to realize that we can’t control other people’s beliefs and we certainly can’t affect other people’s happiness…only our own.
Therefore, we shouldn’t do things simply to please other people.
Instead, we should look inward and attempt to please ourselves by acting through self-interest.
Now, this all may sound very un-philanthropic (and it is), but it’s a useful base for what I’m going to say in just a minute.
For the record, I personally don’t condone non-attachment from altruism, and I cover forms of giving back elsewhere in other posts.
But Rand’s ideals of the strong, confident person going after what they want no matter what the odds is a great model for our own journey into business success and, ultimately, self-actualization.
What Is A Strong Frame?
So the key component of a strong frame is being grounded in your own ideas and beliefs.
You see all sides of the situation, and you question other people’s beliefs in order to get to the truth inherent within; whilst at the same time staying true to your beliefs and experience.
In filmmaking terms, this can be taking a strong stance on a shoot and following through on your ideas and beliefs…without being a douce about it, of course.
We can’t let our previous experiences jade us to new realizations (as so many people do!), but we can use our experiences as an important reference point and measuring stick.
This is wisdom.
Most people have zero idea what they actually believe in. The majority, naturally, are followers. That’s why the strongest frame always prospers. You see this playing out all around you every single day.
Layout your ideals and beliefs as you see them today. Hold true to them, but don’t grasp so tight that they cannot flow into something more beneficial and true over time.
As you progress through your life, you will get feedback and reference experiences that will strengthen your resolve and your reality, while still remaining open and free to new ideas and experiences.
This is powerful and something that only a tiny percentage of people in the world know how to command.
Does this make sense to you? Have you experienced any of these things in your life? Let me know your thoughts and ideas in the comments below!